Monday, February 21, 2011

Are YOU sure you're on the Right Road?

Thank the Lord for a cherished gift from Christmas past:  my TomTom (GPS system).  My husband purchased it after realizing what a terrible neighborhood (aka "hood") I had wound up in one day while "Lost in Las Vegas" and deciding he truly did want to keep me around.  That, along with his knowing how geographically challenged I am anyways, made it the perfect gift for me.  (He's a wise man and I thank him.)

The TomTom rarely got used until we moved to Lancaster County and I was terrified of getting lost and not being found until the cows came home (pun intended).  These back roads can be much more frightening than highways and Interstates. 

The first month we arrived in Lancaster County, out of fear of the unknown, I kept taking the long but recognizable way to my son's pre-school.  And I do mean the long way.  Each day I would pass the most delightful sign that would give me reason to pause and reassure myself of my whereabouts.  A year later, with just the occasional drive-by, it still makes me smile:

Determined to learn my way around (the Mall was calling my name), I started taking different routes to and from every destination I drove to.  By doing this not only have I seen more of our amazing countryside, I can now give my husband a few tips about his own hometown! 

I've also discovered not to pay attention to the many and confusing State Routes, Highway #'s, etc. as they all seem to be called multiple names by the locals.  Life became much simpler once I learned the "Pikes".  Yep, there are 4 major Pikes: Lititz, Fruitville, Manheim & Oregon.  Figure these out and you've more or less got what it takes to get you back home. 

And yes, today I am sure I am on the right road.  But then again, I can always ask Tom.

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