Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Lancaster's Central Market - Internationally Ranked!

Snuggled in to the heart of downtown Lancaster lies what was once a delicious secret to the locals - the Lancaster Central Market.  This indoor treasure burst on to the international scene last year when this (abbreviated) announcement rocked our little corner of the world:

Lancaster Central Market receives world ranking
Posted: Jul 11, 2012 4:16 PM EDT Updated: Jul 11, 2012 6:05 PM EDT

LANCASTER, Pa. (WHTM) - The Central Market in Lancaster is the oldest running market in the country and continues to be a strong attraction in the downtown area, but now it has something new to celebrate.
CNN Go has ranked Central Market as the eighth-best market in the world. They considered its diverse food choices and freshness along with the market's quality of service from local farmers and growers.

The only other market in the United States to make the list is in New York City.

Previous posts have been about Roots Farmer's Market, but it's time Central Market received its due!  The market has served the locals fresh produce since 1730 and is open on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays throughout the year. 

Saturdays are a madhouse after about 9am - wall to wall people - but Tuesdays and Fridays offer shoppers a chance to linger over produce, chat with the staff and experience a food photographer's dream.

Not being said food photographer,
enjoy my attempts to capture the magic of the market!

The beauty of this market is not knowing what everything is!

For example, what on earth are these lovelies?

Simplicity is the key to these earthy displays

Can't remember seeing these in Vegas!

Notice the "Home Grown" signs - love this!!!
Even the meats are decorative
And some hard to pronounce - I thought Mazzafegati
was a racy Italian car!
This picture was for my dear friend's son
who loves all things "Epic"
Herb oils

I mean...how many egg types are there?
The Herb Shop is famous for its loose-leaf teas

I cannot believe I didn't get any pastry shots, but
chocolate obviously gets priority!
Side note: My friend actually bought a
Bacon-covered Maple Long John! 

One of the longest running stands (60 years)
& our favorite for Bloody Marys...Long's Horseradish.
Hand-made on the spot!

Thom's Bread - to die for
Ever tried a Rambutan? Delicious! First peel
of the soft, spiky outer covering - it's a translucent
meaty fruit, similar in taste to a cherry - pit & all!

Lots of flower stands, but this is my fav.
Outside are always street musicians. This group caught
my eye and I couldn't stop shooting pictures.
Note the dogs passed out from the heat!
(And the flirty body language of the females cracks me up!)

Okay, except for her - she's looking peeved...

No instrument? No worries, grab a saw!

They actually were pretty good musicians,
sorry I can't give them credit - no name posted.

For more information about our fabulous & internationally ranked
farmer's market, click here!