Friday, July 8, 2011

Amish Paparazzi

It's not often my husband calls me names, though more than likely I deserve a few choice ones periodically.  However, since moving to Lancaster County I have more or less been stalking the Amish.  Stalking.  Such an ugly word.  I prefer to think I am kindly snapping photos in a "journalisticly" or "artistically"  albeit secret manner in which to share with fellow bloggers the new-found knowledge I've obtained about the Amish culture.

My husband has now dubbed me the "Amish Paparazzi".  This weekend I was not alone in my stalking as my friend and her son came to visit from Las Vegas and shared my passion in the quest for the perfect shot, or the chance to churn butter...we settled for pictures. 

We headed over to a town called Bird in Hand, which is a quaint village in Lancaster County -- chalk full of Amish.  This village's economy is based primarily on tourism - which means a lot of businesses that call themselves Amish, but probably aren't.

You see, it's been uncovered in my thirst for Amish knowledge, that the Amish never use their culture (or religion) to advertise. Thus when they own a business, it may be listed with their name but never includes the word "Amish".  So...when the six of us boarded our Amish buggy at the "Plain and Fancy" tourist trap (insert hee hee here), we pretty much understood that the premise was there and the authenticity was not.

Here are a few shots from our trip, beginning outside of Lititz, PA.

When you see a bunch of buggies on a Sunday morn,
they are generally gathered for church services inside a home or barn. 

This is my favorite shot of the day, two little boys outside the barn gathering.

When doing a drive-by, one can only be so quick at focusing,
as well as being incognito.

A family waits to go on their Amish buggy ride at "Plain & Fancy"
located in Bird in Hand, PA.  Nothing fancy about it!

The Amish always have beautiful horses pulling their carts,
their main mode of transportation. 
The kids were bored and missing their technology on the short 4 mile trip.

An "authentic" moment as a man passes us in an open air buggy.

Another real buggy siting, with a gorgeous Amish farm and
sprawling countryside to feast your eyes on. 

Lastly, one of my lovely Amish neighbors. Sweet as can be.
In traditional Amish garb.  Older Amish don't like their picture taken,
younger Amish don't seem to mind.  This friend actually has her own camera.

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