Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Chillin' in the "O.C."

Caught between my desire to continue a 7-decade family tradition on my husband's side of the family AND my thirst for a good glass of wine with dinner, it's time to post about the annual family vaca in OC.  OCNJ that is!  Yep, this is one of the East Coast's most popular vacation spots and it's chalk-full of everything "board-walky" "cheesy" and "hokey" there is. And. Yet. We. Just. Can't. Get. Enough!

To elaborate on my opening statement, my husband's family has vacationed here every single summer for over 7 decades.  He'd like to keep that tradition going; and since this truly is a family-oriented beach town that is approximately 3.5 hours away...I can go with the flow.

HOWEVER!  OCNJ is what's called a "dry" county.  Dry, dry, dry, dry, dry!  For those who aren't quite understanding...that means no alcohol for sale in stores or restaurants!  And quite frankly, when we're vacationing and I don't have to cook - it's soooo nice to enjoy a nice glass of wine with fresh seafood pasta after a day sizzling in the hot, humid sun.

*In all fairness, you may bring alcohol to your beach house, or hotel.* Which you can purchase at The Circle Liquor Store (not a paid advertisement) right before you cross the bridge into OC - but it's just not quite the same if you know what I mean.  And I bet you do.  Know what I mean that is.

All that said, it's jam-packed all summer with families from all over the East Coast here to enjoy the beach, the boardwalk and each other.  People get up early to run, walk, bike or ride surreys up and down the boardwalk aka "the boards".  Then everybody hits the beach.
Want proof?!

And this year we stayed at the least busy end of the beach / boardwalk! - it's truly wall to wall people. Well, it would be if there were walls. Again, I think you know what I mean.  One classic sidenote: people here like to eat Phillie Cheesesteaks - it's not like L.A. beaches where you starve yourself before going to the beach - in OC, you can let it ALL hang out -- woo hoo!
So, at night - everybody heads back up to the boards again. There are multiple areas to ride the rides, shop the shops, play arcade games, eat, eat & eat some more, and if you're like me - get your claustrophobic on in the never-ending crowds. 
This year I decided to take my camera and look at OCNJ in a whole different light - literally I guess since I went all monochromatic with my pics...but just for fun tried to get somewhat artistic and the following results showed me an entirely different and calmer side of our closest "OC".
The fishing club's pier in early morning.
Underneath it & my favorite shot of the trip!
One of the Lifeguard boats waits for the crowds.
On the walk back, fishermen were hard at work.
Or play.
And the tide is coming!
It's 7:30am. A picture of the boards looking
up from the beach.
If you squint & look past this fisherman,
you might spot Waldo. Or actually
a surfer swimming out to catch a wave!
The most annoying part of OC -
seagulls that dive-bomb your lunch!
So why am I compelled to take his picture?
 One of the two ferris wheels on the boards.
Awe-inspiring to see the ocean waves at
night crashing on the deserted beach.
Another angle of the boards in the morn.
My older son somehow finds money constantly,
which is a good skill...regardless, thinks
he needs one of these to really strike it rich!
I'm sure it'll show up on the Christmas wish-list.
Flags on the pier.
Love to take pics of our flag. I'm so
blessed to be American!
I can't believe some guy walked into
my picture! Or that I forgot to crop
him out! Oh well.
He's back.
And he's mocking me.
While this post is tongue in cheek about OC; it truly is a wonderful place to vacation with kids, and a dear friend of mine absolutely loved growing up there!  Carrying on a family tradition is both fun and gratifying, and I'm sure we'll be doing it for decades to come.